Privacy Policy
- Each visitor to our website is responsible for maintaining the
secrecy of their username, passwords,
and any account information. Remember to logout, or close your
browser when you have finished your user / member session. This is to
ensure that others cannot access your personal information.
- Cookies - is cookies free website.
- Monitoring information is done to improve our
service, unless complaint was issued, or in the case that we need
to check
accuracy and suitability of information (remember no names, phone numbers... in descriptions).
- We might contact you if there is a problem, to reply
to messages, or to send you information that could be
relevant to you (newsletters, email about work in your
- We use a variety of physical and electronic security
measures, and secure databases, to keep personal information
secure from misuse, loss, unauthorized use, or disclosure. Coded information are names, surnames, addresses, phone
numbers, however we can not fully guarantee security of your
- To limit access to contact name, phone number and other
sensitive information, in inquiry set, accessing rights are
optional. Furthermore, access to the photos and files can be
limited, so only inquiry owner/manager can give access to
individual members.
- Users / members can be added to manage your business
with limitations
what they can do.
- We always respect our members privacy.